Sunday, October 24, 2010

Caitlin's Guacamole

I make some killer guacamole, if I do say so myself!  Here's the recipe:

3 small avocados
juice of one lime
1 medium clove garlic, minced
1 small shallot, or 2 Tbsp onion, minced
1/4 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. green jalapeno sauce (my favorite brand is El Pato)
Kosher salt and pepper to taste

Remove all the flesh from the avocados and place in a bowl.  Using a fork or a potato masher, smash up the avocados to the desired consistency (use a fork if you like chunky guac, use the potato masher if you like it smoother).  Add the other ingredients and stir.  Taste for seasoning and adjust to your liking.  You can eat it now, or let it sit, covered, for about an hour and let the flavors develop. 

Should you have any leftovers (we often don't), store it in a bowl with plastic wrap directly on the surface of the guacamole to keep it from turning brown.  That business about putting the pit in the guacamole to keep it green isn't true.  The lime juice does help a little, but the main idea is to keep air off the surface of the guacamole.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caitlin

    This is Jeremy. I'm looking foreword to trying this recipe I bet it's going to be killer. I also just started a blog and think you would have a lot to contribute to it.You can find the blog @ blog is called Culinary Philosophers tell me what you think.
